• you’re losing connection with, and drifting away from, each other,
  • there is unresolved conflict or avoidance,
  • you’re occupying an unfulfilling role and want change in the relationship,
  • you’re losing trust and want to rebuild it, or
  • you’re struggling with a life transition?


Life unfolds through our personal and intimate relationships, which tend to be very important for us and our wellbeing. I use my relationship coaching skills – from the advanced and specialised Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) – to unlock the love and connection of life relationships such as married couples or parent-child relationships.

Life tends to throw up challenges which impact our relationships. Life transitions can increase demands on personal relationships. Increased work responsibilities can place pressure on intimate relationships. And of course, over time, things can feel different. This is normal.

What matters is how you chose to respond. Do you go along with the disturbance in the relationship, hoping it’ll magically go away? Do you avoid the conversation that a part of you knows needs to happen? (That feels familiar to me.) Or, do you lean into the experience together, get curious about what’s going on and have conversations that help move things forward?

We all have strategies, some we might be aware of, some less conscious of. Some work well, some less so. But, maybe you’re finding that now they’re not quite working and you’re looking for support.

Through relationship coaching, you will have an opportunity – together, and in a sacred, respectful and safer space – to build connection and explore what’s really going on in your relationship… looking underneath the words and behind the behaviours, to find out how you want to be and grow together. To be happy again.

Relationship coaching will build psychological safety and deepen trust in your relationship, as well as increasing empathy and openness to differences. This allows for better awareness and more curiosity, improved communication and listening skills, as well as learning how to skilfully handle conflict.

Relationship coaching leads to more connected, loving and sustainable relationships which can then flourish and grow, all of which research says leads to longer, healthier lives.

Relationship coaching can be challenging work: sometimes these kind of conversations with loved ones can indeed be very difficult. I’ll bring my full self… my boldness, so I’ll call things out, I’ll be vulnerable myself to invite your vulnerability. I’ll be empathetic and compassionate when you need more heart. I’ll be enthusiastic and passionate to help your over your edges, and use my purposeful humour to help your relationship navigate these conversations together.


Relationship coaching follows my 4-step Discovery, Design, Delivery and Deploy process.

Discovery starts with a 30-minute Chemistry Call where we’ll meet up, discuss your relationship issue and crucially, see how we fit together. Then, once I receive your go-ahead we’ll then start with 60-minute 1-2-1 Discovery Interviews with each person in the relationship to get a richer sense of what’s happening now and what’s wanting to happen. All these calls and the coaching sessions will be on Zoom.

I‘ll then Design a tailored programme delivering relevant relational and change models to deepen understanding of what’s going on, but mostly with a lot of intentional space to have enriching and nourishing, and sometimes challenging coaching conversations.

Then, in Delivery, our remarkable learning journey commences. Each coaching session is 60 minutes with email support between sessions. At times it might feel more conversational, at other times more structured as we, for example, explore a model together and get curious about how it relates to what’s currently going on in your relationship and points to what’s next for your relationship. At times it’ll feel structured and at other times edgy, challenging, even disruptive. Always learning!

Where relevant, I’ll send you useful tools, models or exercises as a follow up to our coaching sessions to give you additional support. And you get my 100% commitment to your relationship and you achieving your goals.

You will have 6 relationship coaching sessions, typically every three to four weeks, with flexibility so it’s right for your personal experience and needs. If you require additional sessions I can do that too.

Then Deploy, where you get to apply your learnings from the sessions into real life, practice new mindsets, behaviours to make the shifts you’re looking for. This is about – with your increased awareness – taking responsibility for how you show up together. The outcome of these actions creates new learnings (Discovery) which you will bring to the next relationship coaching sessions for even more opportunities for growth in your relationship! 

 In summary:

  • 1 x 30-minute Chemistry Call to brief me on your relationship challenges
  • 1 x 60-minute 1-2-1 Discovery Interview with each person in the relationship
  • 6 x 60-minute relationship coaching sessions
  • All calls and relationship coaching sessions will be on Zoom
  • Additional support: useful tools, models or exercises as a follow up to our coaching sessions

Contact me to request more information or set up that Chemistry Call. I’d love to understand exactly what you want so we can ensure this will work for you.


“Duncan has been an invaluable resource for our relationship, guiding us through the complexities of communication. Over the past six months, we have learned new ways to listen and engage with each other, significantly reducing confrontations. His practical tips and strategies have fostered a healthier communication style, allowing us to provide constructive feedback and recognize when to pause during moments of annoyance. This coaching experience has not only improved our interactions but has also deepened our understanding of each other’s perspectives. We are grateful for Duncan’s support and expertise, which have transformed our relationship dynamics for the better.” (M&E)

Developed by Colnewater Ltd. for Duncan Müller © 2024